Finding an effective cure for hemmeroids has been the quest of health professionals, both medical practitioners and alternative treatment experts. Both categories of healers have worked out hemmeroid cures to provide hemmeroid patients relief from painful symptoms of hemmeroids. Topical medications manufactured by pharmacies relieve hemmeroids symptoms temporarily while surgery is performed as a long-term cure for hemmeroids, particularly in severe cases of hemmeroids. Alternative cure for hemmeroids, on the other hand, work by using natural products for keeping control of condition. This approach does not carry the health risks associated with surgery or adverse effects of prescribed medicines. However, natural cures for hemmeroids are more of an on-going strategy than instant relief from hemmeroids. A natural cure for hemmeroids is commendable on account of its health benefits and also because it is mostly painless and free of serious side effects. Hemmeroid are a swelling of blood vessels in the rectal area that rarely go away without any cure for hemmeroid. This condition can affect their activities so it is imperative that those suffering from this condition look for a cure for hemmeroids. Statistics suggest that as many as half the population has hemmeroid. Some of these people get hemmeroid because they sit for long periods of time. Some of these people cannot avoid this because they have to sit to get their job done. Other people sit to watch television. These people might be able to get a cure for hemmeroid by getting up and doing some exercise. The people at work might try to get up whenever possible. Straining can produce hemmeroid so for people with this habit, they might have a cure for hemmeroid by changing the way they go to the bathroom. Painful hemmeroid flare-ups can be a persistent problem, especially if you suffer from repeated episodes of constipation. Flare-ups are usually brief, and most symptoms disappear within a few days. But in pregnant women, hemmeroid are often a temporary problem that either improves dramatically or disappears after childbirth. People troubled by hemmeroid should discuss this condition with the pharmacist if they want to get a cure for hemmeroids that they can administer themselves. There are some hemmeroid treatments available without a prescription from a medical doctor. But some of these cures for hemmeroid are still medicines so people should discuss these with the pharmacists to make sure that the given cure for hemmeroid is best suited for their condition. And take note that the size of the hemmeroid could also make a difference in the effectiveness of the treatments. Pharmacists mostly know their customers who give them good and bad feedback on different hemmeroid treatments. So better discuss with them so as they can give you exact and appropriate cure for hemmeroids. These can be the followings: Home RemediesAdmit it or not, home remedies for hemmeroids have been found a useful hemmeroids cure by a large number of people. Some of the frequently appreciated remedies for hemmeroid relief include the use of Horse Chestnut, Hyssops, Flavonoids, hydroxyethylrutosides, and rutin. These natural herbs are available in usable form at most health stores. Also effective against hemmeroids of various types are naturally occurring essential oils. More popular of these essential oils include Pelargonium, Cypress oil, Italian cypress, and Niaouli. The extract of Japanese Pagoda tree is also recognized as a promising hemmroids cure. FruitsFruits are another cure for hemmeroids. They are rich in fiber and, along with vegetables, make the healthiest diet for everyone, especially for hemmeroid patients. Fruits facilitate the process of digestion, preventing constipation and thus making possible soft bowel movement. This prevents any increase in pressure on the rectal veins – the root cause of hemmeroid. Also, the antioxidants in fruits (and vegetables) make the veins strong and resistant to swelling. While all commonly used fruits are health-friendly, hemmeroid patients should particularly make use of blackberries, plums, raisins, cherries, red grapes, and prunes. The dark colored varieties of any/all of these fruits are better recommended as treatment for hemmeroids. VitaminsMany vitamins have antioxidant properties and they work as cure for hemmeroids by giving strength to the body tissues and blood vessels contained in them. Vitamins that are especially useful against hemmeroids include Vitamin C, Vitamin B, and vitamin A. Recommended to be taken two to three times daily, these vitamins may be obtained from vegetables and fruits or they may be obtained from special nutritional supplements available at health stores and supermarkets. It is important, however, to consult one’s physician before using any hemmeroid cures in order to get information on the right dosage and other instructions. There is not a single recommended dosage for all patients; rather the dosage varies from person to person. Fixative proceduresThe goal of nonsurgical procedures, called fixative procedures use as c ure for hemmeroids, is to reduce the blood supply to the hemmeroid so it shrinks or goes away. The scar tissue left in its place helps support the anal tissue and helps prevent more hemmeroid from developing. Fixative procedures include tying off the hemmeroid with a rubber band (rubber band ligation) or injecting chemicals to shrink the tissue (injection sclerotherapy). One other fixative procedure uses heat, laser, or electric current to create scar tissue (coagulation therapy). Hemmeroid SurgeryWhile different non-surgical treatment options are available for treating the less severe cases of hemmeroid, hemmeroid surgery is necessarily performed for providing long-term relief from severe hemmeroids, particularly those involving a significant degree of prolapse (emergence or hanging of hemmeroidal tissue out of the anal canal). Following are the important types of hemmeroid surgery currently available for treating severe hemmeroids. Milligan-Morgan Surgical MethodThis technique of hemmeroid surgery was developed in Britain in the 1930s by Dr. Milligan and Dr. Morgan and it remains the most popular type of surgery for hemmeroids to date. The surgery is performed to excise three main hemmeroidal vessels. Three incisions, resembling a pear in their outline, are made and left open, separated from one another by gaps comprising skin and mucous membrane. Milligan-Morgan surgery for external and internal hemmeroids is considered the standard surgical procedure for treating severe hemmeroids. Ferguson Surgical MethodNamed after its originator Dr. Ferguson (1952), this technique is a modified form of the Milligan-Morgan hemmeroids surgery, the main difference being that in the Ferguson technique, the surgical incisions are closed (partly or completely) either by suturing or through coagulation by means of a surgical device. One of the main drawbacks of the Ferguson technique is the high rate of suture breakage which prolongs the time required for healing of the surgical wounds. Procedure for Prolapse and Hemmeroids (PPH)A comparatively recent type of hemmeroid surgery for all hemmeroids including bleeding hemmroids is the procedure for Prolapse and Hemmeroids, or PPH. Also known as Stapled Hemmeroidectomy, PPH works by reducing the prolapse of hemmeroid tissues through the excision of a band of prolapsed tissue while the remaining part of the tissue is stapled. PPH has proven a less painful type of hemmeroid surgery and most of the patients resume normal life activities quickly than in cases of other hemmeroid surgeries. However, PPH runs a higher risk of causing damage to the rectal wall muscles. Also, PPH has been associated with a higher risk of recurrence and prolapse than other types of hemmeroid surgery. Laser Hemmeroid SurgeryLately, laser surgery for hemmeroids has been performed with appreciable accuracy. Hemmeroid surgery with laser is performed by a skilled laser surgeon who vaporizes or excises the unwanted, diseased hemmeroid tissue. Hemmeroid surgery with laser has several advantages over other surgical treatments for hemmeroids. Laser hemmeroid surgery takes less time; is less painful; allows quick healing of the surgical wounds; and does not require many healing medications for hemmeroid. Laser surgery may be used alone or in combination with other surgical procedures. As with any surgical procedure, plan well in advance, and take the proper steps to recover from hemmeroid surgery. PreventionBut you often can prevent hemmeroid by preventing episodes of constipation. Some of the following diet and lifestyle changes may help you to soften your stool, establish a regular schedule for bowel movements and avoid the straining that can lead to hemmeroid: - • Add more fiber to your diet. Set a goal of 25 to 30 grams of fiber daily, from such high fiber foods as beans, broccoli, carrots, bran, whole grains and fresh fruits. To avoid bloating and gas, add these foods gradually over a period of several days. With these, you can avoid possibility of formation of hemmeroid.
- • Drink adequate amounts of fluid. For most healthy adults, this is the equivalent of 6 to 8 glasses of water daily.
- • Begin a program of regular exercise. As little as 20 minutes of brisk walking daily can stimulate your bowel to move regularly.
- • Train your digestive tract to have regular bowel movements. Schedule a time to sit on the toilet at approximately the same time each day. The best time to do this is usually right after a meal. Do not sit on the toilet for long periods (it tends to make hemmeroid push out and swell up) as this is also one cause of hemmeroid.
- • Respond immediately to the urge to have a bowel movement. Do not postpone until the time is more convenient.
Mention above are the most common ways to cure for hemmeroids and all you need to do is to choose which cure is best suited for your hemmeroid condition.
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External Hemmeroids,
hemmeroid cream,
Hemmeroid Cure,
Hemmeroid Symptoms,
Hemmeroid Treatment,
Internal Hemmeroids
External hemmeroids are as the word implies its hemmeroids that have developed externally. These are easy to detect. You will have a sensation that there is something just outside your anus and when you touch the area, you will actually feel them. Hemmeroids bring in any form of pain and discomfort, and external hemmeroids make no exception. Hemmeroids can be either external or internal depending on where hemeriods appear. These external hemmeroids protrude near the anus and are covered by a layer of very tender skin. Painful swelling is a result of a blood clot developing in the hemmeroids. These feel like a hard, sensitive lump and will bleed if ruptured. External hemmeroids are the more prevalent of the two types and are associated with the hemmeroids symptoms we most experience. External hemmeroids are usually visible as fleshy lumps around the anus. Seldom they can be mistaken with prolapsed hemmeroids ( internal hemmeroids that protrude out the anus). Otherwise, any swelling or a protruding mass at or near the anus are considered to be external hemmeroids. It is estimated that 85% of the world's population will be affected by hemeoriods at some time in their life but only a tiny percentage of sufferers actually seek medical treatment and those tend to be at the extreme end of sufferers. External hemmeroids occur outside the rectum, around the anus. Basically, all swellings or protruding masses at or near the anal opening are considered to be external hemmeroids (except in the case of prolapsed internal hemmeroids, which originate internally but can protrude externally as they worsen). Thrombosed external hemmeroids however, are caused by blood pooling in a distended vein and forming a clot, or thrombus, in the outer region of the anus. These particular hemmeroids usually cause a great deal of pain, as well as some swelling and itching, but they don’t bleed. After visual examination of the anus and surrounding area for external or prolapsed hemmeroids, a doctor would conduct a digital examination. In addition to probing for hemmeroidal bulges, a doctor would also look for indications of rectal tumor or polyp, enlarged prostate and abscesses. If warranted, more detailed examinations, such as sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy can be performed. In sigmoidoscopy, the last 60cm of the colon and rectum are examined whereas in colonoscopy the entire bowel is examined. External hemmeroid symptoms may include severe painful swelling or a hard lump around the anus that results when a blood clot forms The lump may have a blue or purple tint. Other symptoms for external hemmeroids are the burning feeling, irritation and anal itching. External hemmeroids elicit symptoms are caused by acute thrombosis, recurring thromboses, or personal hygiene problems. This condition is known as a thrombosed external hemmeroid. In addition, excessive straining, rubbing, or cleaning around the anus may cause irritation with bleeding and/or itching, which may produce a vicious cycle of symptoms. Pain results when the clot and surrounding edema cause rapid swelling of skin containing a high concentration of nerve endings. This pain can last for one to two weeks, depending on the length of time it takes for the resolution of the thrombosis. At that time, the stretched anoderm remains as excess skin often referred to as "skin tags". External thromboses can sometimes erode the outer layer of skin, which can cause bleeding. Draining mucus may also cause itching. You can easily notice external hemmeroids by inspecting the outer opening of anus. Acute and recurrent thromboses are managed by identifying the offending vascular cluster with the use of local anesthetic in the doctor's office or other clinical setting. Local anesthetic is injected, then the outer skin and subcutaneous veins are excised. Whenever you notice any symptom of external hemmeroids, consult your physician immediately and start treatment. Early hemmeroid treatment will give you early relief from pains and discomforts of external hemmeroids. Sometimes external hemmeroid ruptures and slight bleeding occur. You might notice bright red blood on the toilet paper after straining to pass a stool. In rare cases, a vein inside an external hemmeroid breaks. Blood may pool under the skin, forming a hard, painful lump. This is called a thrombosed, or clotted hemmeroid. However, a sudden sharp or burning pain during a bowel movement, along with a small spot of blood on toilet tissue, is more likely to be an anal fissure than a hemmeroid. External hemmeroids can also create problems with personal hygiene. The excess skin that remains after an acute thrombosis is usually the cause of these problems. This excess perianal skin from external hemmeroids requires more attention to be paid when cleansing the area to make sure that all of the skin folds have been tended to. External hemmeroid treatment includes the following: - Warm baths (you have to sit in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes twice or thrice a day)
- Ice packs (a temporary relief - the ice packs have be wrapped in a towel to prevent direct contact with the skin)
- Suppositories, seat cushions (if your job requires continuous long sitting) and loose underwear (for your comfort).
- Also, a fibrous diet (blackberries, blueberries, cherries, vitamin C) will help you to get relief up-to certain extent, as this strengthens the veins and ensure smooth bowel.
- You should also try butcher's broom (Ruscus aculeatus), and flavonoids (plant pigments found in fruit and fruit products, tea, and soy).
- After each bowel movement, wiping with a moistened tissue or pad sold for that purpose helps lessen irritation.
- Herbal teas and other kinds of herbal preparations are also suggested for reducing discomfort and eliminating hemmeroids.
- Other recommendations might be to drink six to eight glasses of water a day to increase fecal bulk and prevent straining and to choose a time when you are not rushed.
- Do not ignore the urge to defecate and do not hold your breath while you are on the toilet seat.
- Many people find that over-the-counter hemmeroid creams and foams bring relief, but these medications do not make hameriods disappear.
- Acupuncture, acupressure, aromatherapy, and homeopathy are also used to treat hemmeroids.
In order to avoid your external hemmeroid from coming back, you can try this measures below: - Avoid prolonged straining at stool. Straining for more than five minutes is harmful to colorectal muscles and nerves. It can also increase stress on the veins of the rectum and worsens hemmeroids. Straining can lead to divertulosis - the formation of small blister-like pockets in the colon walls that can become infected.
- To treat external hemmeroids: Grate one medium potato; mix well with 2-3 teaspoons slippery elm powder. Form into small patty and place on disturbed area for 10-15 minutes, 1-3 times a day. This remedy may be used on sore or cracked nipples as well.
- Use a peeled clove of garlic as a suppository three times a week. You can also use raw potato suppositories to help heal external hemmeroids and relieve pain. Peel a potato and cut it into small cone-shaped pieces.
- Learn not to strain when moving the bowels. Keep the bowels clean and avoid constipation. Do not sit on the commode longer than 10 minutes at a time, as this causes the blood to pool in the hemmeroidal veins.
- Sit on a soft cushion, not on hard surfaces. Use an ordinary cushion, not a doughnut-shaped one. The old-fashioned inflated doughnut cushion actually increases pressure on the hemmeroidal blood vessels, aggravating the swelling and bleeding.
- Cleanse your external hemmeroid with warm water. A hot bath for 15 minutes a day is quite helpful. Do not add bath beads, oils, or bubbles to the water, as this can irritate sensitive tissues. Many people add Epsom salts, but this has no proven clinical value. It is the warm water that reduces swelling and eases pain brought by hemmeroids. A warm water sitz bath to which you can add some white oak may be beneficial. Do not use white oak or other sitz bath products if you have either weeping eczema or congestive heart failure.
- Warm sitz baths are especially beneficial. Take a mineral sitz bath daily.
- Avoid use of strong or harsh laxatives. Most of these products induce unnecessary straining at bowel movements and often "overdo" their jobs by creating a condition similar to diarrhea. Also, using chemical laxatives does not provide the healthful benefits that natural substances provide. Laxatives products can also cause the bowels to become dependent upon them for normal functioning, much like an addiction. Instead of chemical preparations, use a stool softener or glycerine suppository if constipation or straining at defecation are a problem.
- Kombucha tea, which has antibacterial and immune-boosting properties, has been reported to be helpful.
- Wear cotton underwear. Cotton has more fresher than other fabrics and is less likely to restrict circulation and it good especially for external hemmeroid.
- In rare instances, zinc oxide from creams applied to hemmeroids can cause a metallic taste in the mouth. If this happens, change hemmeroid creams. In very rare cases, overuse of zinc oxide creams can cause yellow eyes, yellow skin, and abdominal pain. In these cases, discontinue the cream and see a health care provider promptly.
- Treatments for hemmeroids can reduce the risk of permanent fecal incontinence after the damage that can occur during childbirth.
- The most common cause of anal itching is tissue trauma resulting from the use of harsh toilet paper so therefore refrain from using toilet paper, you can try moist pads instead to avoid external hemmeroid irritation.
You can consult your doctor if above treatment for external hemmeroid does not give you relief or external hemmeroid symptoms still persist. Your doctor can give you proper advice for your hemmeroid condition.
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External Hemmeroids,
hemmeroid cream,
Hemmeroid Cures,
Hemmeroid Removal,
Internal Hemmeroids,
What are Hemmeroids,
What Causes Hemmeroids
What causes hemmeroids is most common question ask by many because they don’t want to suffer the effect brought by hemmeroid. So for pre cautions, they are eager to know what causes hemmeroid. But before we discuss of what causes hemmeroid, lets take a tour on what is hemmeroid is all about. Hemmeroids are swollen blood vessels of the rectum. The hemmeroidal veins are located in the lowest area of the rectum and the anus. Sometimes they swell because the vein walls become stretched, thin, and irritated by passing bowel movements. Hemmeroids are classified into two general categories: internal and external. - Internal hemmeroids lie far enough inside the rectum that you can't see or feel them. They don't usually hurt because there are few pain-sensing nerves in the rectum. Bleeding may be the only sign that they are there. Sometimes internal hemmeroids prolapse, or enlarge and protrude outside the anal sphincter. If so, you may be able to see or feel them as moist, pink pads of skin that are pinker than the surrounding area. Prolapsed hemmeroids may hurt because the anus is dense with pain-sensing nerves. They usually recede into the rectum on their own; if they don't, they can be gently pushed back into place.
- External hemmeroids lie within the anus and are usually painful. If an external hemmeroid prolapses to the outside (usually in the course of passing a stool), you can see and feel it. Blood clots sometimes form within prolapsed external hemmeroids, causing an extremely painful condition called a thrombosis. If an external hemmeroid becomes thrombosed, it can look rather frightening, turning purple or blue, and could possibly bleed. Despite their appearance, thrombosed hemmeroids are usually not serious and will resolve themselves in about a week. If the pain is unbearable, your doctor can perform hemmeroid removal to the thrombosed hemmeroid, to stops the pain
Anal bleeding and pain of any sort is alarming and should be evaluated; it can indicate a life-threatening condition, such as colorectal cancer. Although hemmeroids are the No. 1 cause of anal bleeding and are rarely dangerous, but a definite diagnosis from your physician is a must. So what causes hemmeroids then? The main cause of hemmeroids is the pressure applied on veins of pelvic and rectal system. This pressure comes from different habits that the patient has in his bathroom, constipation, diarrhea, sitting or standing for a long time, obesity, pregnancy or genetic factors. In the next lines, we will detail a little each hemmeroid cause and bring some solutions to it. 1. Adopting a wrong position on the toilet seat is one of the main causes of hemmeroids. Here is correct way to sit; a person should follow when sitting on the toilet: sit on the toilet normally, then raise your feet up on tiptoes and balls of feet (front part of foot) and bend forward with your elbows to your knees. This position allows the bowel to come out with little effort, thus lessening the chance of hemmeroids coming through the hole and reducing the chance of developing new hemmeroids. 2. Constipation is another cause of hemmeroids. Straining to pass hard stools puts too much pressure on the rectum and makes the veins swell (like varicose veins behind the knees). To avoid the internal problems caused by constipation, when you go to the toilet, take your time; let nature do its thing. Try gentle deep breathing and avoid holding your breath, to put a little pressure on the bowel to come out. 3. Diarrhea is another factor of what causes hemmeroids that damages the veins. In this case, there are frequent passing of stool, and even though the fecal matter is soft, it dampens the intestine at the same time and causes the hemmeroid disease. Take a good care of your health, always wash your hands before eating and always wash the fruits and vegetables before consuming them. 4. Wiping too hard or too long may also cause or aggravate hemmeroids. The bowel should evacuate the contents well, reducing the need for excess wiping, if you followed the suggestions of extra fiber and water. Also, use a soft damp cloth that absorbs a lot. 5. Other important causes of hemmeroids is pregnancy. Maximum pressure is exerted during delivery time and this increases the anal pressure while the baby is pushed out. To prevent hemmeroids from showing, you must do a lot of exercise during the pregnancy, especially in the beginning. 6. Heavy lifting straining can cause hemmeroids and can possibly cause hemmeroids to develop. If your job requires heavy lifting, discuss this issue with someone specially trained in your work area. 7. Liver disease can also cause increased pressure in the veins, as blood is pooled in and around the pelvic system. Don’t drink too much alcohol or coffee, don’t eat junk food, and try to keep your liver and your heart healthy. 8. If you are overweight, you are lifting your excess weight up every time you stand or walk or run. Especially when sitting, the pressure of your body is bearing on your anal region and may well be weakening it or aggravating existing hemmeroids. To help alleviate the suffering from hemmeroids and perhaps prevent new hemmeroids from developing, you should try to loose the excess weight you are carrying around on your body. 9. Another factor of what causes hemmeroids that counts is heredity. Some people are genetically predisposed to this type of illness and there aren’t too many things we can do about it. Do a lot of sport, especially to train and relax your anal sphincter muscles (the ring of muscles that surrounds the anal opening). 10. Anal sex is another cause of hemmeroids. No matter how much lubricant it’s used; keep in mind that the anus wasn’t designed for this function. If we remember that just wiping the area with toilet paper is considered a risk, you will get the picture yourself of how much problems can cause this type of sexual intercourse. Diet has a pivotal role in causing -- and preventing -- hemmeroids. People who consistently eat a high-fiber diet are unlikely to get hemeriods, but those who prefer a diet high in processed foods can expect them. A low-fiber diet or inadequate fluid intake can cause constipation, which can contribute to hemmeroids in two ways: It promotes straining on the toilet and it also aggravates the hemmeroids by producing hard stools that further irritate the swollen veins. Hope the above mention satisfies your question on what causes hemmeroid. Although hemmeroids are rarely dangerous, they can also be a painful recurrent bother, as you've found. Fortunately, most hemmeroid symptoms improve dramatically with simple measures. Here are some things to try: • Add fiber. Boost the fiber in your diet with high-fiber foods, a fiber supplement or both. When taken with adequate fluid, fiber softens stools and makes them easier to pass, reducing pressure on hemorrhoids and lowering the risk of bleeding, inflammation and swelling. • High-fiber foods include prunes, dates, apples, pears, strawberries, broccoli, brussels sprouts, carrots, peas, spinach, legumes (for example, baked beans or kidney beans), bran cereals and oatmeal. Fiber supplements include psyllium (Metamucil, Konsyl, Perdiem), methylcellulose (Citrucel), calcium polycarbophil (FiberCon, Fiber-Lax, Mitrolan) and wheat dextrin (Benefiber). Fiber can cause bloating or gas, so start slowly, and gradually increase your intake to 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day. Increase your fluid intake at the same time. • Exercise. You can stimulate bowel function with moderate aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking 20 to 30 minutes a day. • Go when you have to go. When you feel the urge, go to the bathroom immediately; don't wait for a more convenient time. Your stool can back up, leading to increased pressure and straining. • Take sitz baths. You can often relieve itching, irritation and spasm of the sphincter muscle with a warm water bath for the buttocks (sitz bath). Sit in a few inches of warm water in your bathtub or in a small plastic tub that fits over a toilet seat. Try a 20-minute sitz bath after each bowel movement and at two or three other times during the day. Afterward, gently pat the anal area dry; don't rub or wipe hard because this can cause irritation to your hameriods. • Try over-the-counter hemmeroid creams. These can temporarily soothe pain, irritation and itching. Hemmeroid cream and suppositories containing hydrocortisone are also effective, but don't use them for more than a week at a time, because they can cause the skin to get too thin. Witch hazel wipes (Tucks) are soothing and have no harmful effects. A small ice pack placed against the anal area for a few minutes may also help. Finally, sitting on cushions rather than hard surfaces can help reduce swelling. Occasionally, hemeoriods can't be managed with conservative hemmeroid treatments alone, either because the symptoms persist or because an internal hemmeroid has slipped down into the anus. If symptoms continue for more than a few days despite your efforts to relieve them, call your doctor. He or she can confirm that you have hemmeroids, rule out other conditions and recommend an appropriate hemmeroid treatment, such as hemmeroid surgery, to remove or shrink hemmeroids. But the best thing to avoid or keep hemmeroids from coming back is to try your best to avoid what causes hemmeroids formation.
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External Hemmeroids,
Hemmeroid Cure,
Hemmeroid Removal,
Hemmeroid Treatment,
What Causes Hemmeroids
Hemmeroid Cream is one of the common treatment for hemmeroid although there are also a number of medications used in alleviating the discomforting effects of hemmeroids. Hemmeroid cream is more common than ointment because creams can be rubbed in easily and the water components easily evaporates thus leaving only the thin film of the active ingredients behind and hemmeroid creams are obviously not greasy. Ointments on the other hand are very greasy. And this hemmeroid cream is applied directly on the affected area and are kept there for several hours. Hemmeroids on the other hand, also known as piles are a swelling and inflammation of the veins of the rectum. Hemmeroids can develop from two different places: either internal rectal veins which can become swollen and will form internal hemmeroids. But if this internal structure of the rectum has few pain receptors these cannot generally be seen or felt. External rectal veins can also swell to form external hemmeroids. External hemmeroids can be seen around the outside of the anus and, many times, can be felt. There are also several symptoms that usually indicate some type of hemmeroid condition. These include blood in the stool, in the toilet, or on bath tissue after using the bathroom, or a vague pain in the anus after defecating. Also, itching, burning, or pain in the region may indicate a case of hameriods. Research has shown a number of factors can lead to varying forms of hemmeroids. These causes of hemmeroid includes: - constant sitting
- constipation
- diarrhea
- obesity
- childbirth
- heavy lifting
- severe coughing
- straining with bowel movements
- hereditary
Basically, any increase in the pressure in the veins around that area can lead to formation of hemmeroids. Most cases of hemmeroids can be easily diagnosed because of its appearance and the pain it brings and be treated by home remedies. The exception to this is if there is bleeding from the anus, which may indicate a larger, more serious problem. If this is the case, a doctor will observe the area using one or more medical devices. These can include a anoscope, proctoscope, and/ or performing a sigmoidoscopy. So for many who suffered from hemmeroid, an answer to their discomforting condition is applying of hemmeroid cream for fast hemmeroid relief. But it is important that you start your hemeoriod treatment with a weaker type of hemmeroid cream. If this hemmeroids cream does nothing for you after a period of three days. Work your way up to a stronger type cream and again if this does nothing for you after three days, you then progress to the strongest type cream. Only if you are so sure that you have no improvement at all then only do you step up to the stronger hemmeroid cream. The reason for this above mentioned statement is that your body gets very familiar very quickly to creams and ointments. The consequences are that the particular cream or ointment may not work in the near future when you may really need this particular cream. So why take a chance using a hemmeroid cream that you might not need at this stage. Another problem with your stronger type creams and ointments is that you can ruin your skin around the anus causing skin eczema for the rest of your life and other more serious complications. This problem is usually caused by overdosing on the cream or ointment. The main goal of using hemmeroid cream is to relieve the pain, itchiness, and burning sensation brought about by the said ailment. With regard to their contents, some hemmeroid cream have herbal ingredients such as aloe while others contain anesthetic chemicals like xylocaine. In addition, this type of product is usually available over-the-counter, which means that anyone can purchase it from a drugstore. However, there are certain hemmeroid cream for more severe cases of hemmeroids that are obtained only by prescription. In addition to hemmeroid cream, there are many other natural means in which you can prevent hemeriods from occurring. The most simple means is to ensure you have soft bowel movements by drinking lots of water and keeping a healthy high fiber diet. From there, develop good bowel habits by ensuring you do not spend longer than is necessary on the toilet or ensuring you do not strain during bowel movements Certain natural vitamins help as well, such as: - Vitamin E : Vitamin E prevents further inflammation from occurring, being a powerful anti-oxidant.
- L-Arginine : This can help to prevent muscle spasms, which is also beneficial in preventing anal fissures from occurring
- Horse Chestnut : a wonderful herb that alleviates swellings of hemmeroids
- Red Sage : Red Sage stimulates blood circulation, which is beneficial in the prevention of hemmeroid
- Oat straw : Oat Straw is beneficial for the digestive system, and also raises energy levels
- Plantain : Itching and burning is greatly relieved.
More serious forms of hemmeroids may only be cured through hemmeroid surgery or hospital treatment procedures, although many of the natural hemmeroid treatment mentioned above may prevent this. If hospital procedures are required, however, there are methods which are relatively quick and are designed to cut off blood supply to the hemmeroids or shrink them so that they fall off on their own, and the skin left behind heals. Hemmeroid surgery, though, requires over-night treatment and actual removal of the hemmeroids themselves. Moving on, a few things must be remembered in using hemmeroid cream. First, a person must not apply more than what has been indicated on the label or instruction sheet. Putting a lavish amount of this kind of treatment of hemmeroid will cause irritation and worsen the problem instead of treating it. Second, after waking up in the morning, you has to immediately wash the area where he applied the hemmeroid cream on the previous night to remove the excess residue that may cause itching. Third, always has to make sure that the skin is thoroughly dried before gently applying the substance and that his hands are washed prior to and after the medication process. You can also use a soft cotton swab in putting and spreading the cream on the hemmeroid. Finally, you should store the hemmeroid cream in a place with a moderately cool temperature after using There are many types of hemmeroid remedies and hemmeroid cream and ointment that are available over the counter and on the market today, however most of these creams or ointments are only designed to soothe the pain, itching and burning associated with hemmeroids and not to cure permanently. However, there are some hemmeroid cream that are able to shrink the hemeeroids back to normal size and these vary from anesthetic and analgesic ointments, to homeopathic or natural ointments. Some of these products also come as a foam of sorts. Cortisone-based creams are available by prescription. You can also ask your doctor for proper usage of hemmeroid cream.
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Bleeding Hemmeroids,
hemmeroid cream,
Hemmeroid Cures,
Hemmeroid Symptoms,
Hemmeroid Treatment,
Internal Hemmeroids
 Finding an effective hemmeroid cures has been the quest of health professionals, both medical practitioners and alternative treatment experts. Both categories of healers have worked out for hemmeroid cures to provide hemmeroid patients a relief from painful symptoms of hemmeroids. Topical medications manufactured by pharmacies relieve hemmeroids symptoms temporarily while hemmeroid surgery is performed as a long-term hemmeroid cures particularly in severe cases of hemmeroids. Alternative hemmeroid cures, on the other hand, work by using natural products for keeping control of condition. This approach does not carry the health risks associated with hemmeroid surgery or adverse effects of prescribed medicines. However, natural hemmeroid cures are more of an on-going strategy than instant relief from hemeoriods. A natural hemmeroid cure is commendable on account of its health benefits and also because it is mostly painless and free of serious side effects. Before looking for any hemmeroid cure, lets take a moment of knowing what are hemmeroids. Hemmeroids are swollen anal varicose veins. These veins can become so stretch that they push with extreme force, then rupture and bleed. The hemmeroids cause rectal bleeding, pain, burning, inflammation, irritation and itching, since the swollen tissues are difficult to keep clean. Hemmeroids may be external or internal. The external hemmeroids you can see and feel them as a soft bluish-purple lump. The internal hemmeroids you probably won't notice them, due that they are usually painless. There is another type of hemmeroid called prolapsed, and is an internal hemmeroid that collapses and protrudes outside the anus, accompanied by a mucus discharge and heavy bleeding. They can become thrombosed and are when they form cloth within that prevent their receding. They are terribly painful. The most common cause of hemeriods is chronic constipation or congested liver. Other factors that can cause or contribute to hemmeroids include obesity, poor exercise, food allergies, lifting heavy objects, and insufficient consumption of dietary fiber. In pregnancy, women can develop hemmeroids due to pressure of the growing uterus on the mayor veins. Constipation in pregnancy can make hemmeroids more painful, from straining during bowel movement; because this, puts a lot of pressure on the veins around the anus area. It’s also common after childbirth. Most cases of hameriods can be diagnosed and treated by the individual experiencing the discomfort. The exception to this is if there is bleeding from the anus, which may indicate a larger, more serious problem. If this is the case, a doctor will observe the area using one or more medical devices. These can include a anoscope, proctoscope, and/ or performing a sigmoidoscopy.The prognosis is that for most cases of hemmeroid cures are very good. Most cases are eliminated within 1-2 weeks. There are a number of over-the-counter medications that can reduce the symptoms of hemmeroids. A change in diet and lifestyle will also often lead to a reduction in hemmeroid symptoms. And also there are number of ways that can cure your hemmeroids.Admit it or not, home remedies for hemmeroids have been found a useful hemmeroid cures by a large number of people. Some of the frequently appreciated remedies for hemmeroids relief include the use of Horse Chestnut, Hyssops, Flavonoids, hydroxyethylrutosides, and rutin. These natural herbs are available in usable form at most health stores. Also effective against hemmeroids of various types are naturally occurring essential oils. More popular of these essential oils include Pelargonium, Cypress oil, Italian cypress, and Niaouli. The extract of Japanese Pagoda tree is also recognized as a promising hemmeroid cure. - Fruits are another hemmeroid cures. They are rich in fiber and, along with vegetables, make the healthiest diet for everyone, especially for hemmeroid patients. Fruits facilitate the process of digestion, preventing constipation and thus making possible soft bowel movement. This prevents any increase in pressure on the rectal veins – the root cause of hemmeroids. Also, the antioxidants in fruits (and vegetables) make the veins strong and resistant to swelling. While all commonly used fruits are health-friendly, hemmeroid patients should particularly make use of blackberries, plums, raisins, cherries, red grapes, and prunes. The dark colored varieties of any/all of these fruits are better recommended as hemmeroid treatment.
- Many vitamins have antioxidant properties and they work as cures for hemmeroids by giving strength to the body tissues and blood vessels contained in them. Vitamins that are especially useful against hemmeroids include Vitamin C, Vitamin B, and vitamin A. Recommended to be taken two to three times daily, these vitamins may be obtained from vegetables and fruits or they may be obtained from special nutritional supplements available at health stores and supermarkets. It is important, however, to consult one’s physician before using any hemmeroid cures in order to get information on the right dosage and other instructions. There is no single recommended dosage for all patients; rather the dosage varies from person to person.There are also certain things you can do to avoid getting them like eating a fibrous diet and taking lots of fluids to avoid constipation and also with straining to have bowel movements, not sitting or standing for long periods of time (this increases pressure on the anus blood vessels), and getting plenty of exercise.
However, some people can do all the right things but have a hereditary predisposition to getting hemmeroids. So when you do get a hemmeroid it is important to keep the area clean by using moistened wipes instead of rough toilet paper. Rough rubbing can cause the hemmeroid to bleed if it is external. The best hemmeroid cure is to stay fit and healthy to avoid them and if you do get them already taking these wellness measures will make it all the easier for you to nurture yourself back to being pain free. But if the pain is unbearable or you are bleeding a lot or the hemmeroid doesn’t go away in a week you need to schedule an appointment with your doctor to have appropriate hemmeroid cures and hemmeroid treatment. If you have internal hemmeroids, they can still bleed, however since they are inside your anus you can’t irritate them with toilet paper. Internal hemmeroids will still itch and burn like crazy so just because you can’t feel a lump on the outside of your skin doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take care of it. Before hemmeroids go worst prior hemmeroid cures are required.
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Bleeding Hemmeroids,
Hemmeroid Cures,
Hemmeroid Relief,
Hemmeroid Surgery
Hemmeroid removal is a technique commonly used by many people to relieve them from the pain they experience of having hemmeroid. Hemmeroids are simply expanded blood vessels due to too much pressure in the anal region. This can occur due to heavy lifting, constipation, sitting for a long time, and childbirth, to name a few causes of hemmeroids. However, some people will have none of these conditions and still get hemmeroids. A common cause of hemmeroids is simply the standing position, in which all the blood above the rectum exerts pressure on the rectal and anal areas. Hemmeroids are classified into two categories mainly: * Internal hemmeroids - These usually remain along the anal wall. You usually can't feel or see them, unless they break through the anus. This is known as a protruded or prolapsed hemmeroid. Symptoms may include pain, bleeding, itching and a feeling of fullness after a bowel movement * External hemmeroids - These are small soft pads around the anal opening, the same color as your skin. When an external hemmeroid forms a blood clot (thrombus), it can appear blue in color and cause severe pain, itching and inflammation. Hemmeroid removal may be recommended when nonsurgical treatment like fiber-rich diet, laxatives, stool softener, suppositories, medications, warm baths has not provided adequate relief from: * Persistent itching * Anal bleeding * Pain * Blood clots (thrombosis of the hemmeroids) * Infection Hemmeroid Removal methods- Hemmeroid removal through direct surgical intervention is called a hemmeroidectomy. The hemmeroids are simply cut out. Hemmeroid removal can be painful, particularly for the external variety. After surgery, pain is managed through home-treatment methods, such as drinking a lot of water and eating high-fiber foods to remain hydrated and stop constipation. Health professionals recommend that you take stool softeners that contain fiber to help make your bowel movements smooth. Straining during bowel movements can cause hemeriods to come back.
- Another way of hemmeroid removal is by laser coagulation surgery. This uses electrical currents to just cut the blood flow to the area and shrink the veins of hemmeroid
- For internal hemmeroids, rubber band ligation is often used in the removal of hemmeroids. A small rubber band is wrapped around the base of the hemeoriods, cutting off the blood supply.
Natural supplements, alone or combined, are fast, safe, and proven effective in both treating hemmeroids and helping with recovery after the surgical removal of hemmeroids. Before you go for surgery I would recommend trying the natural supplements first before your hemmeroid removal. In many cases they can help and completely cure you. This will save you a lot of money and pain. Other Hemmeroid Removal ProceduresThere are also numerous treatments that are available, which can successfully remove symptomatic hemmeroids. While topical ointments may reduce the discomfort associated with this condition, they will not actually remove the hemmeroid problem. If you are suffering from chronic hemmeroids, you may need to undergo a hemmeroid removal procedure. These procedures are typically performed right at a doctor's office or at a special clinic that handles hemmeroid removal. While most can be done on an outpatient basis, more serious surgeries may involve being admitted into a hospital. Let's look at the variety of methods that can be used for hemmeroid removal. - Banding - This is a common procedure of hemmeroid removal that has been used for many years. A small band is placed around the hemmeroid very tightly. This cuts off the blood supply to the hemmeroid and it will begin to shrivel. After a few days, it will fall off and the patient can get on with the healing process. The procedure is virtually painless, and it is usually quite effective.
- Infrared Coagulation (IRC) - This technique of hemmeroid removal uses infrared light, which is used to coagulate the small vessels found in a hameriods, and so can be quite useful in smaller and less severe cases. This is generally performed in an office or an outpatient clinic, and is accompanied by minimal discomfort.
In the unusual circumstance when less invasive measures are inadequate to control a patient's symptoms, a surgical procedure may be required. These are more involved procedures, and are generally accompanied by more pain and disability, so they should be reserved for only the most serious cases. Make certain that you discuss the risks and benefits of these procedures with your physician prior to consenting to one of these surgical procedures for your hemmeroid removal which includes: - Harmonic Scalpel Treatments - This type of hemmeroid removal uses a special scalpel that operates with ultrasound waves. The scalpel is used to remove the hemmeroid and the blood vessels are automatically cauterized. This is considered to be an almost bloodless procedure and is typically recommended for large hemmeroids or for those that are very painful.
- Laser Therapy - This is very similar to harmonic scalpel treatments, but in this case, an actual laser beam will be targeted on the hemmeroid. This type of hemmeroid removal is growing in popularity, and is quite effective. The laser automatically cauterizes the area, and the nerves will be sealed off as well. This technique may be accompanied by a bit less pain than the typical surgical hemmeroidectomy.
- Stapled Hemmeroidectomy (PPH) - This technique utilizes a special stapling device that cuts through the involved vessels, and staples the tissue back together again. This also is associated with a bit less pain than a conventional hemmeroidectomy, and is becoming more popular with many surgeons.
- Excising - An actual surgical removal of a hemmeroid may be necessary. The hemmeroid is cut away and the blood vessels are tied off. This procedure is a bit more painful than other types of hemmeroid removal and the recovery time may be longer. However, it is very effective.
Hemmeroids can be surgically removed while you are sedated and pain-free (local or spinal anesthesia) or deep asleep and pain-free (general anesthesia). After the hemmeroid is removed, gauze packing is inserted to reduce bleeding. However, smaller hemmeroids may not require hemmeroid surgery. Treatments for small hemmeroids may only involve a chemical injection to reduce swelling or rubber band ligation to cut off the blood supply to the hemmeroid. These procedures can often be done as an outpatient or office procedure with minimal or no anesthesia. But you must have to take considerations of the risk of having hemmeroid removal because of the anesthesia that is being applied which results to reactions to medications and problem for breathing. Another risk for having hemmeroid removal surgery is bleeding and infection. Additional risks include possible narrowing (stricture) of the anus. Although almost hemmeroid removal outcome is usually very good in the majority of cases. Preventive measures such as adherence to a high fiber diet, and avoiding constipation must be taken to prevent recurrence. The patient may experience considerable pain after surgery as the anus tightens and relaxes. Medications to relieve pain may be used. To avoid straining, stool softeners will be used. Avoid any straining during bowel movement or urination. Soaking in a warm bath can bring additional comfort. Expect complete recovery from hemmeroid removal in about 2 weeks.
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Bleeding Hemmeroids,
Hemmeroid Relief,
Hemmeroid Removal,
Hemmeroid Treatment,
Internal Hemmeroids
What are hemmeroids really about? Hemmeroids are dilated or bulging varicose veins of the rectum and anus, caused by increased pressure in the rectal veins. Hemmeroids swelling are due to thinning and weakening of the vein walls and their inability to sustain too much pressure which results to itchy feeling, pain, and even bleeding. Hemmreoid can either be external hemmeroids or internal hemmeroids. External hemmeroids can be felt and seen as lumps or knots. Internal hemmeroids may remain inside the rectum and so cannot be felt or seen. However, many people choose to suffer in silence, undoubtedly due to embarrassment and an unwillingness to seek for hemmeroid help. So, what are hemmeroids outcome when people doesn’t treat their hemmeroids? As a result, bowel movements and sitting on hard surfaces, and among other things, are rendered dreadfully painful experience for them. Once you get hemmeroids, you're likely to always have them -- this is because swelling weakens the vein walls and thus makes them prone to future swelling resulting to severe pain. But fortunately, most hemmeroid "flare-ups" heal on their own within a couple of days without any application of hemmeroid treatment. So what are hemmeroids causes then? Hemmeroids are quite common among individual though left unrevealed due to shame. These hemmeroids are mostly caused by or made worse by straining during bowel movements, constipation as a major factor of the cause of hemmeroid formation, prolonged sitting or standing, pregnancy and child birth, obesity and low-fiber diets. Pregnant women and the elderly are mostly to suffer frequently from hemmmeroids. Further, men are more likely to have hemmeroids than women , largely because they tend to eat less fiber foods, and usually exert more pressure during there daily endeavor. But for most people, this hemmeroid may occur between the age of 20 and 50. And what are hemmeroids symptoms? -Anal itching or ache especially while sitting -Bright red blood on toilet tissue, stool, or in the toilet bowl -Constipation and straining during bowel movements -Pain during bowel movements -One or more hard tender lumps in the rectal area -Pressure and strain due to standing for long periods -Hereditary -Lifting heavy objects -Prolonged sitting and standing -Diarrhea
What are hemmeroids categories of pain? Hemmeroids usually resulted to several discomforts and pains categorized as: Thrombosis and pain, a blood clot in the hemmerhoid that may cause severe pain and usually demands immediate medical attention and hemmeroid treatment. Bleeding hemmeroids can ooze fresh bright red blood, whether hemmeroid is located externally or internally. In extreme cases external hemmeroid often cause dripping of blood from the anus while sitting on the toilet or presence of blood in your underwear. And Itching and irritation – mostly external hemmeroids can be itchy, especially if the area is moist and irritated. What are hemmeroids conclusions? Because hemmmeroids are one of mankind's most common disorders it is therefore advice to take an extra precaution and to avoid what makes hemmeroid conditions worse. You can have home remedies and other hemmeroid treatments that can be done on your own. In severe cases in which hemmeroids tends to get more serious and no longer respond to any hemmeroid treatment, it is highly required to have proper diagnosis and have appropriate hemmeroid treatment by experienced physician.
Posted in
Bleeding Hemmeroids,
Hemmeroid Cure,
Hemmeroid Relief,
Hemmeroid Surgery,
Hemmeroid Symptoms,
Hemmeroid Treatment,
Internal Hemmeroids,
What are Hemmeroids